Practice Areas

As one client observed:

Sogand was recommended to me as a great professional and unconditional partner to help me through the divorce process. Already from the very first moment at her office, I felt welcomed and safe. . . . She is kind and warm when it gets to emotional topics, but she is a remarkable and fierce defender when it comes to your needs. I highly recommend Sogand Zamani. Her professionalism and human-kindness are unique.”


When facing the stress and challenges that arise in family matters, you need an attorney with the experience and sensitivity necessary to help you identify clear objectives, the expertise to plan your next steps with careful attention to your legal, financial and emotional needs, and the tenacity to act with you to achieve the best resolution possible in your specific circumstances.


Unwind your marriage with a dignified, careful plan.


Separation and divorce are often associated with great turmoil within the family. There is nearly always a breakdown in trust between spouses during this tumultuous time, and so our clients are looking for counsel they can trust.

In matters large and small, our clients look to us as trusted advisors to explain the application of the law to their unique circumstances, to guide them through difficult transitions, and to protect their interests.

Because our practice is wholly focused on areas of family law, we have developed a deep-seated, sophisticated understanding of the law, respected experience in the courtroom, and smart business practices to provide our clients with superior service.

We advise clients in all aspects of divorce and separation, including:

  • Complex divorce, typically involving a range of assets (businesses, stock options, retirement accounts, highly valued property, uncovering hidden assets, underreporting on tax filings)

  • High-conflict divorce, often involving hotly contested issues between former partners, jurisdiction disputes, and safety concerns

  • Spousal support/alimony for dependent spouses

  • Division of assets and debt

  • International divorce (involving one or more parties or children who are legal residents of another country, property or businesses abroad, and premarital and post-marital agreements between residents of different countries)

  • Preparing, validating, enforcing or challenging prenuptial and postnuptial agreements

When appropriate, we will work with our extensive domestic and international network of trusted professionals to enlist the services of business valuation experts, forensic computer specialists, forensic accountants, certified divorce financial planners, professionals located in other countries, or other experts, to advance your needs. We work with you to collect the salient information you need to make decisions for your future.

What type of support is needed in your case? Please call us to discuss your options.

Safeguard your future with a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement

Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements

Increasingly, our clients come to us to plan and create a contingency plan for their family in the event of divorce or dissolution of a domestic partnership.  Prenuptial agreements offer soon-to-be-married couples a way to protect their individual interests in the event of divorce or at the death of a party.     

Often clients reach out to us for prenuptial agreements in these situations:

  • A marriage or domestic partnership where one partner has children from a previous relationship 

  • Where one partner owns a business or plans to inherit one (domestically or in a foreign country)

  • Where one partner plans to leave their job to care for children 

  • Where one partner is relocating for the other partner

  • When one party has a significant amount of wealth as compared to the other party  

If you are interested in having one of our attorneys prepare a prenuptial agreement for you, please contact us.

Additional Resources:
