Zamani & Associates PLLC

 Modern lawyers for modern families

Custody | Divorce | Child Support | Alimony

Division of Marital Property | Separation Agreements

International Divorce | Hague Abduction Matters | Civil Protection Orders

Prenuptial Agreements

Adoption | Surrogacy

Egg Donation | Sperm Donation | Embryo Donation Agreements


We are here to help all families.

As leaders in our family law and family formation communities, our team has a passion for our work and strives to deliver excellence in practice, whether in litigation, negotiation, the Collaborative Process or mediation, regardless of the complexity of the divorce, adoption or surrogacy matter.

We help family law clients through separation and divorce, and to unwind committed relationships, in a holistic, strategic, and practical manner.

We guide individuals on the path to parenthood through adoption and assisted reproduction with a clear plan that minimizes their risk, from start to finish. 

We are committed to helping you understand your options and achieve the best resolution possible in your specific circumstances.


Zamani & Associates

2121 K Street, NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20037
T: (202) 510-9112
F: (202) 510-9152

